How to prepare 1,3 pyrazole?

Pyrazole is a five-membered aromatic ring compound with the molecular formula C3H4N2. Learn how to prepare 1,3 pyrazole? full laboratory guide.

Chemical FormulaC3H4N2
Molecular Weight68.08 g/mol
Melting Point68-70°C
Boiling Point198-200°C
Density1.037 g/cm³
Solubility in WaterSoluble
Solubility in Organic SolventsSoluble in most organic solvents
AppearanceColorless to pale yellow crystals
Refractive Index1.548 (20°C)
pKa (Acid Dissociation Constant)~2.3 (pyrazole)
Flash PointNot applicable
Autoignition TemperatureNot applicable

1,3 pyrazole structure

It is a heterocyclic organic compound containing two carbon atoms and three nitrogen atoms in its ring structure. It is classified as an azole compound.

1 3 pyrazole structure


  • Ethyl acetoacetate
  • Phenyl hydrazine
  • Ether
  • Ethanol
  • Round bottom flask.


3-Methyl-1-phenyl pyrazole-5-one is synthesized by condensation of phenyl hydrazine and ethyl acetoacetate under basic condition.

1, 3 pyrazole synthesis


  • Heat a mixture of phenyl hydrazine (3.65 ml) and ethyl acetoacetate (4.9 ml) in a 250 ml round bottom flask on boiling water bath for 2 hours.
  • Stir the reaction mixture with the help of a glass rod.
  • Cool the reaction mixture and then add 20 ml ether with stirring.
  • Filter the separated product, wash with ether and recrystallize with dilute ethanol (1:1).
  • Melting point of the product is 127°C.


The yield of obtained product was found to be……gm and percentage yield was…..% and melting point was found to be …… °C.

Uses: Using as intermediate in bulk drug industry.

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