Drug Development Teams roles

Learn about Drug Development Teams and their roles, teamwork and the evolution of projects in this insightful guide.

New drug development can be performed by various types of drug development organizations that may be private companies, not-for-profit organizations or private foundations. Some examples of private not-for-profit organizations include the Drugs for Neglected Diseases initiative (DNDi ), European Organization for the Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC), One World Health and the Global Alliance for Tuberculosis (TB) Drug Development.

Meet the Key Players:

  1. The Development Teams: They work on making new drugs. They have experts in different fields.
  2. The Sponsors: These are the organizations that provide money and resources to the development teams. They also handle legal and regulatory matters.

Drug Development Teams

Drug development teams are regularly extended with academic and industrial advisors and important opinion leaders who assist in the decision-making process. The teams may request contract research organizations or academic research entities to perform some parts of the drug development activities. For example, a team may choose to outsource the manufacturing of the new drug to a third party. But it should be kept in mind that the financial, legal and regulatory responsibility and accountability stays with the drug development organization, called as the sponsor of the development of a new drug.

Key roles

  • Chemical and Pharmaceutical Development: They make sure the medicine is safe and works well.
  • Non-clinical Development: They test the medicine before giving it to people to make sure it’s safe.
  • Clinical Development: They test the medicine on people to see if it works and is safe.
  • Regulatory Affairs: They deal with the rules and regulations.
  • Finance: They manage the money for the project.
  • Marketing: They plan how to promote the medicine once it’s ready.
  • Project Management: They keep things running smoothly and on time.

How development teams and sponsors work together?

  • These teams work together and share their knowledge.
  • The sponsor provides money and resources.
  • The sponsor also talks to the government about the medicine.

You may also like to read New Drug Approval Process in India.


  1. What are some examples of private not-for-profit organizations?

Answer: Some examples of private not-for-profit organizations involved in drug development are Drugs for Neglected Diseases initiative (DNDi), European Organization for the Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC), One World Health and the Global Alliance for Tuberculosis (TB) Drug Development.

  1. What is the role of the Development Teams?

Answer: The Development Teams are responsible for making new drugs and consist of experts in various fields. They oversee chemical and pharmaceutical development, non-clinical development, clinical development, regulatory affairs, finance, marketing and project management.

  1. How do drug development teams and sponsors collaborate?

Answer: Drug development teams and sponsors collaborate by working together and sharing their knowledge. The sponsor provides the necessary financial and resource support for the development activities. Additionally, sponsors handle legal and regulatory matters and engage with government authorities regarding the medicine.

  1. What is the role of the Regulatory Affairs department in drug development?

Answer: The Regulatory Affairs department in drug development is responsible for dealing with the rules and regulations required for development and approval of new drugs. They ensure that the drug development process complies with the relevant regulatory requirements and guidelines.

You may also like to read Regulatory Requirements for Drug Approval.

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