What is drug nomenclature in pharmacology?

Drug nomenclature is a system of a drug naming. Explore various nomenclature types and examples in details.

Hey readers, we all know more or less about medicine or drugs. We know “medicines or drugs are the chemical compound (solid, liquid and semi solid) prevents the diseases, disorder and malfunction of body.

But do you know that drugs are named in three types. In this blog I discussed about what is drug nomenclature, what are 3 main types of drug naming and why nomenclature is important.

Drug nomenclature in pharmacology

Nomenclature of drug is a complex process but essential for healthcare or professionals. It helps healthcare and professionals to prevent error during medication and communicate easily.

It is the system of naming to drugs. A drug can be named three types which are:

  • Chemical name.
  • Generic name.
  • Brand names.

What is chemical name in pharma?

Chemical name of drugs talks about the atomic and molecular structure of drug substance.

This name is given first when a drug is discovered. It describes the drug materials chemically.

So generally, a drug chemical names are not written in prescription because for its complexity.

For example, paracetamol chemical name is N-acetyl-para-aminophenol, which is large name cannot be used in prescription. So, Paracetamol code name is NO2BE01 which is used by manufacturers for its simplicity before approval.

Characteristics of chemical name

  • Describes the chemical structure and composition.
  • Complex and may not be easily recognizable.
  • Refers specific name of a chemical compound.

Importances of chemical name

  • It provides molecular data of substances.
  • Essential for regulatory compliance and safety.
  • Used in quality control during manufacturing.

Routes of drug administration Local route and systemic route (pharmasiksha.com)

What is generic name or non-proprietary name in pharma?

Non-proprietary name talks about active pharmaceutical ingredient of a drug which is accepted by specific authority.

Generic name or non-proprietary name of drug both are same.

For example, if any drug is approved in British council, then the drug name will be BAN approved. Similarly, The United States adopted name is USAN.

Non-proprietary name is also called as Approved name. Commonly the term generic name of drug is used in the place of non-proprietary name.

Characteristics of non-proprietary drug name

  • Official name for a drug.
  • Assigned by organizations.
  • Simple and universal.
  • Used universally to identify the active ingredient(s) in a drug.

Importances of non-proprietary name

  • A drug identified and accessed easily.
  • A drug can be assessable.
  • Offer affordability and cost-effectiveness.

What is brand name or proprietary name in drug nomenclature?

This name is used by the manufacturer company.

Basically, proprietary or brand name includes trademarks, tradenames etc.

One particular drug could have multiple brand name.

For example, Omeprazole and the other names are omez, ocid, oskar, omefol etc. These brands are manufacture by different companies.

Brand name is used to make easy, simple, catchy, short name of drug.

Sometimes, drugs brand names can be suggestive. For example, FeverAll ,this drug is use for high fever.

Brands name can be different in different countries. e.g., In India paracetamol is marketed as Calpol, crocin, pacimol, etc. Similarly in USA, paracetamol is marketed as FeverALL, Tynelol.

Characteristics of proprietary name

  • Also known as the brand name, trade name or product name.
  • Given to a drug or pharmaceutical product by the manufacturing company.
  • The name is distinctive, memorable and easy to recognize.
  • This name protects drug by trademark law..
  • Used for marketing, advertising and branding purposes.

Importances of proprietary name

  • It creates brand recognition.
  • It integrates marketing and advertising efforts.
  • Establish unique identity of manufracturer.
  • Protected by trademarks for exclusive use.

What are differences between chemical, non-proprietary and proprietary drugs name?

We understood that in pharmacology a drug is named according three types which are chemical, generic and brand names. Now we will see chemical vs generic vs brand names of drugs.

Chemical nameGeneric name or non-proprietaryBrand name or proprietary
Describes chemical composition and structure.Talks about active ingredient.Describes trademarks, tradenames.
Each drug a have different chemical name.Multiple drugs may have same generic name.Each manufacturer uses different brand names.
Drugs are not protected by patents.Usually not patented.Protected by patents.
Rarely used in marketing.Often used in medical literature, prescribing information.Used extensively in advertising.
Less expensive.Often cheaper due to competition.More expensive.
Drugs are not regulated by health authorities.Generic drugs are regulated and approved.Subject to regulatory approval.
Available as raw materials.Available as finished dosage.Available as marketed products.

What are the similarities between chemical, generic and brand name of a drug?

Already we seen the differences between various drug nomenclature types. Now we will see what the similarities between them are:

All three names are used to identify a specific drug or pharmaceutical compound.

Chemical name, non-proprietary name and proprietary name are standardized to some extent. They clear the communication between healthcare professionals, researchers and regulatory agencies.

While chemical names may be less common in medical literature. But both generic and brand names are frequently used in medical publications.

Why drug nomenclature in pharmacology is important?

Safety and efficacy

Proper drug nomenclature ensures the clear identification of medications. It prevents errors during prescribing, dispensing and administrating.


Standardized drug names enhance the effective communication between healthcare professionals, researchers, pharmacists and patients.

Regulatory compliance

For drug approval regulatory agencies needs accurate drug identification for approval, monitoring and reporting. Proper nomenclature of drug ensures compliance with regulatory requirements, such as labeling, packaging and pharmacovigilance.

Drug development

Identifications of compounds help researchers to track and evaluate a drug pharmacological property, safety profiles and therapeutic effects. So, clear drug names are essential during drug discovery, development and clinical trials.


Accurate drug nomenclature is important to monitor and report adverse drug reactions (ADRs) and drug interactions.

Public health

Standardized drug names help people to get essential medicines easily. It supports affordable options like generic substitution, improving access to healthcare.

What are the challenges of drug nomenclature?

Complex chemical structures

Some of pharmaceutical compounds have complex chemical structure which makes challenges for researcher. One example is Paclitaxel which is used in cancer chemotherapy. Its chemical formula is:(2α,4α,5β,7β,10β,13α)-4,10-bis(acetyloxy)-13-{[(2R,3S)-3-(benzoylamino)-2-hydroxy-3-phenylpropanoyl]oxy}-1,7-dihydroxy-9-oxo-5,20-epoxytax-11-en-2-yl benzoate.

Pronunciation and spelling

Generally chemical name of drugs is long and hard to spell. For example, the chemical name for the painkiller acetaminophen is N-acetyl-para-aminophenol. It combines of prefixes, suffixes and hyphens which make it difficult for healthcare professionals and consumers. It is hard to pronounce and spell the name. So, it may increase the risk of miscommunication and errors in medication management.

Look-alike or sound-alike names

Similarities in the spelling or pronunciation of drug names. It can lead to confusion and medication errors. For example, Celebrex (celecoxib), a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) and Celexa (citalopram), an antidepressant. The similarity in their names can lead to confusion during prescribing or dispensing.


What is drug nomenclature in pharmacy?

It is a systematic naming method for pharmaceutical compounds.

What is chemical name in pharmacy?

The unique and scientific name based on the compound chemical structure and composition.

What is Non-proprietary name?

Also known as generic name. It is the official name given to a drug by health authorities according to drugs active ingredient.

What is proprietary name of drug?

Also called as brand name or trade name. It is a name given to a drug by the pharmaceutical company for marketing the drug.

Which country manufacture highest number of drugs?

The answer is India. This country manufactures the highest number of drugs globally, due to its large pharmaceutical industry.

What is the main difference between the non-proprietary and proprietary name?

The non-proprietary (generic) name is a universal standard name talks about active ingredient in drug, while the proprietary name is a trademark brand name.

Also read What is essential drugs concept?

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