Estimation of Sulfanilamide by Colorimetry

Explore the estimation of sulfanilamide, a commonly used antibiotic, through colorimetric analysis in the laboratory.

Estimation of Sulfanilamide by Colorimetry

In the field of pharmaceutical analysis, accurate and reliable determination of drug concentrations is crucial to ensure product quality and patient safety. One widely used method for quantifying the concentration of drugs is colorimetry. We will cover the aim, requirements, principles, procedure, and reporting of this analytical technique.


The aim of this analysis is to determine the concentration of sulfanilamide in a given sample using colorimetric methods. By measuring the intensity of color produced by the reaction between sulfanilamide and a suitable reagent, we can quantify the drug’s concentration accurately.


To perform this analysis, the following equipment and reagents are required:

  • Spectrophotometer: To measure the absorbance of light by a sample.
  • Cuvettes: To hold the sample during spectrophotometric measurements.
  • Pipettes and burettes: For accurate and precise measurement of liquid volumes.
  • Sulfanilamide standard solution: A solution of known concentration for construct a calibration curve.
  • Reagent: A suitable color-forming reagent that reacts specifically with sulfanilamide.
  • Distilled water: For preparing solutions and dilutions.
  • Weighing balance: For accurately weighing the amount of sulfanilamide.


Colorimetry is based on the principle that the concentration of a substance in a solution is directly proportional to the absorbance of light at a specific wavelength. In this method, sulfanilamide reacts with a reagent to produce a colored product. The intensity of the color formed is directly related to the concentration of sulfanilamide in the sample. By measuring the absorbance of light by the colored product at a specific wavelength using a spectrophotometer, we can determine the concentration of sulfanilamide.

Procedure for Estimation of Sulfanilamide by Colorimetry

The estimation of sulfanilamide by colorimetry can be carried out using the following steps:

  • Preparation of standards:
    • Prepare a series of sulfanilamide standard solutions with known concentrations ranging from low to high.
    • For example, prepare solutions with concentrations of 5 mg/L, 10 mg/L, 15 mg/L and so on.
  • Reaction with reagent:
    • Take aliquots of each standard solution and the sample solution in separate cuvettes.
    • Add the appropriate volume of the color-forming reagent to each cuvette and mix thoroughly.
    • Allow the reaction to proceed for a specific time, as specified by the reagent’s manufacturer or determined through method development.
  • Measurement of absorbance:
    • Using a spectrophotometer, measure the absorbance of each cuvette at a specific wavelength suitable for the colored product.
    • Note down the absorbance values for each standard and sample.
  • Construction of a calibration curve:
    • Plot a graph of absorbance versus concentration for the standard solutions.
    • Use the calibration curve to determine the concentration of sulfanilamide in the sample based on its absorbance value.
  • Calculation of sample concentration:
    • Apply the concentration of the sample obtained from the calibration curve to calculate the concentration of sulfanilamide in the original sample.


  • The absorbance values obtained for each standard and the sample, as well as the corresponding concentrations.
  • Insert graph with absorbance on the y-axis and concentration on the x-axis.
  • Report the concentration of sulfanilamide in the sample based on the absorbance value obtained from the calibration curve.

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