Instrumental methods of analysis and importance

Instrumental methods of analysis based upon the measurement of some physical properties of substances learn in detail with importance.

What is Instrumental Methods of Analysis?

The term pharmaceutical analysis can explain as qualitative and quantitative determinations of ingredients. These determinations are important for the pharmaceutical formulation.

  • Qualitative analysis gives the information about quality of sample and it reveals the identity of sample.
  • Quantitative analysis reveals the amount or quantity of ingredients present in a pharmaceutical product.

Analytical methodologies involved the manual procedures like using of glassware’s such as burette, pipette, conical flask and beakers etc.

So, when physical properties of a substance are measured by the various instruments is known as Instrumental method of analysis. We can determine chemical composition by determining the physical properties of substances. Some example are:

  • Therma gravimetric analysis can measure thermal properties of substance.
  • Potentiometry measure electrical potential of compound.
  • Polarography measure the electric current in substance.
  • Conductometry measure electrical conductance.
  • Flame photometry and Fluorometry measure emission of radiation.

Instrument using for analysis of compound have unique function. They do not give direct quantitative data but supplies information to the device. The device follows below steps:

Signal Generation

  • Signal denotes from the analyte.
  • A signal generator produces signals which is indicative of the analyte and its concentration. For example, In pH meter the hydrogen ion concentration from a solution act as a signal generator. In colorimeter, the colour of solution act as a signal generator.

Signal transformation

  • The generated signal cannot measurable until it converts into a measurable unit, this works done by Transducers.
  • For example, th e glass calomel electrode in pH meter converts the signals into electrical potential. In spectrophotometer, the radiant energy is converts into electrical energy with the help of phototube, photomultiplier tube.


  • It tells about the sensitivity of signals.
  • The transducer signal is generally modified and sensed by signal processors, this process is called as Amplification.
  • It is done by electronically to increase the sensitivity.

Read out system

  • This system helps to read the amplified signals.
  • The processed signals coverts into observational signals.
  • The transducer and amplified signals are recorded here.

Modern Instrumental methods of analysis depend on modern instruments like microprocessor, computers, amplifiers etc. It is essential for the instruments to generates rapid quantitative response and information.

Instrumental methods of analysis importance

  • Important in pharmaceutical analysis to analyzing chemical or drugs.
  • As diagnostic tools in many medical professions.
  • For clinical analysis of biological fluids, tissue and organ analysis.
  • To manufacture of various drugs formulations.
  • In forensic science and toxicological study, the instrumental methods of analysis have endless role.


  • The requirement of sample is less.
  • Time consuming for experiment is less.
  • Complex mixture can be analyzed.
  • Free from manual errors.
  • Instrumental method of analysis reduces the variations in result.
  • More accurate


  • For better result, only person with experience can handle the instruments.
  • Cost of instruments is high.
  • Sensitivity and accuracy depend upon the instruments.

Also read Spectral shifts in UV-Visible Spectroscopy

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