ODPC meaning in prescription.

Explore ODPC meaning in prescription, in medical prescriptions, “ODPC” are Latin abbreviations that indicate when and how a medication should be taken.

ODPC meaning in prescription

ODPC meaning in prescription is the medication should be taken once a day (OD) after meals (PC). It’s important to follow the dosing instructions on the prescription label and to ask your healthcare provider or pharmacist if you have any questions or concerns about your medication. For more details read the below details about odpc meaning in prescription.

Have you ever been confused by the abbreviations on your prescription label?
Medical prescriptions often use a shorthand language that can be confusing for those who aren’t familiar with it.
Two common abbreviations are “OD” and “PC” which are used in prescription.

OD in prescription

  • OD stands for “oculus dexter” which is a Latin word which means “right eye”
  • If you see “OD” on your prescription label, it means that the medication should be administered in your right eye.
  • This is important because medications can have different effects depending on the location of the body where they are applied or taken.
  • For example, some eye drops are designed to reduce pressure in the eye and can only be used in the affected eye, while others may be used in both eyes.

PC in prescription

  • PC stands for “post cibum” it also a Latin word which mean, “after meals” in Latin.
  • If you see “PC” on your prescription label, it means that the medication should be taken after eating or with food.
  • This is important because some medications can cause stomach irritation or other side effects if taken on an empty stomach.
  • Taking medications with food can also help improve absorption and efficacy.

ODPC in prescription

It is a pharmacy abbreviation where medication should be taken once a day (OD) after meals (PC). But ODPC does not have a standard meaning in prescription or medical context. If you see “ODPC” on a prescription label, it’s important to ask your healthcare provider or pharmacist for clarification. It’s possible that it could be a less commonly used abbreviation or acronym in a specific medical field or regional practice, but without additional context, it’s impossible to determine its meaning.

Following Dosage Instructions

It’s important to always follow the dosing instructions provided by your healthcare provider or pharmacist.

If you have any questions about the instructions or how to take the medication don’t hesitate to ask.


After all, opdc meaning in prescriptions can be confusing but understanding the meaning of common abbreviations like “OD” and “PC” can help you.

So, the next time you see those abbreviations on your prescription label, you’ll know exactly what they mean.

ALSO READ BDPC meaning in prescription.

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