What is six sigma concept in industrial pharmacy?

Learn six sigma concept in industrial pharmacy. Explore definition, objectives, methodologies and application in pharmaceutical industry.

Six sigma concept

In Industrial pharmacy, Six Sigma define as a methodology which minimizes the defects and variations in pharmaceutical manufacturing. It aims for high-quality production by reducing errors and improving efficiency.

The concept of Six Sigma initially was a measurement standard which emerged based on Carl Friedrich Gauss normal curve concept.

In 1920 Walter Shewhart described that three sigma from the mean is the point where a process requires correction.

Bill Smith, a Motorola engineer, coined the term “Six Sigma,” and it became a registered trademark. Various measurement standards like Cpk and Zero Defects have since evolved.

What is six and sigma in six sigma concepts?

six sigma concept in industrial pharmacy

“Six” in six sigma means it aiming for very few defects. “Sigma” (σ) is a statistical term showing how much things vary. So, six sigma is a statistical concept, or a quality management method used for the measurement of a process or a product in terms of defects at the six-sigma level.

What are the objectives of six sigma?

  • Six Sigma makes customers happier.
  • It speeds up processes and product launch times.
  • It reduces defects.
  • It controls variations for better predictability.
  • Reduces costs without any involuntary consequences.
  • It manages processes better from start to finish.
  • Supply chain gets better with Six Sigma.
  • It solves problems using stats in projects.
  • Six Sigma measures and reduces errors.
  • It boosts efficiency in processes, even in e-commerce.

Six sigma concept methodologies

DMAIC and DMDAV are methodologies of six sigma. In six sigma, DMAIC stand for define, measure, analyze, improve and control. DMDAV stand for define, measure, analyze, design and verify.

What is DMAIC in six sigma?

It is a data-driven quality strategy used to improve processes. It is an integral part of the company’s Six Sigma Quality Initiative. DMAIC denotes five interconnected phases, i.e., Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control. Six sigma dmaic approach can be used for systematically enhance processes, reduce defects and ensure sustained quality improvements.

Define: It defines the customer, their Critical to Quality (CTQ) issues and the business process.

Measure: It measures the performance of the business process.

Analyze: It analyses the collected data and process map for determining the root causes of defects and opportunities for improvement.

Improve: It prevents and fixes problems of targeting by designing creative solutions.

Control: It controls the improvements to keep the new process.

What is DMADV in six sigma?

It is an abbreviated form of define, measure, analyze, design and verify. DMADV used for developing new processes or products at six sigma quality levels.

Application of six sigma concepts in pharmaceutical industry

  • Six Sigma improves clinical trials.
  • Enhancing manufacturing processes.
  • Improving quality control measures.
  • Streamlining supply chain management.
  • Optimizing drug development processes.
  • Reducing defects in pharmaceutical production.
  • Enhancing efficiency in clinical trials.
  • Improving regulatory compliance.
  • Enhancing laboratory and testing procedures.
  • Optimizing packaging and labeling processes.
  • Minimizing errors in documentation and reporting.

Also read What is Quality by design in industrial pharmacy? What is total quality management (TQM) in industrial pharmacy?


What is the main similarity between DMAIC and DMADV?

Both are the methods of Six Sigma and are used to reduce defects less than 3.4 per million opportunities.

What is the difference between DMAIC and DMADV?

DMAIC is utilized for improving and optimizing existing processes by identifying and rectifying inefficiencies. But, DMADV is employed when creating entirely new processes or products which focusing on design and development to ensure minimal defects from the outset.

What is the full form of DMAIC and DMADV?

The DMAIC full form is “Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control,” and DMADV full form is “Define, Measure, Analyze, Design, Verify.

Who term the name six sigma concepts?

Bill Smith, a Motorola engineer, coined the term “Six Sigma”.

What do you mean by six sigma concept?

Six sigma is a statistical concept or a quality management method used for the measurement of a process or a product in terms of defects at the six sigma level.

Also read What is Quality management system?

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