TIFAC in Technology Transfer: Goals and Responsibilities

TIFAC drives tech growth through innovation, exports. Learn how this organization responsible for technology transfer in Industrial pharmacy.

What is TIFAC?

  • TIFAC full form is Technology Information, Forecasting and Assessment Council.
  • It was established in 1988 as an independent body under the Department of Science and Technology.
  • Its main purpose is to plan for the future of technology in India, evaluate technological directions and assist innovation in important national sectors.
  • TIFAC actively works towards the development of technology in the country by utilizing technological inventions through well-coordinated initiatives involving industries and universities.

During the leadership of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, who was the chairman of TIFAC at the time, the organization took on the task of creating a technology vision for India. This initiative, known as Technology Vision 2020, resulted in the creation of 17 documents. These documents covered 16 different technology fields and one document focusing on services. Over its more than 25 years of service, TIFAC has provided numerous reports evaluating technologies and offering practical recommendations for the country.


  • The primary goal of TIFAC is to promote technology advancement in industries, with different levels of risk involved.
  • It helps addresses several technological priorities for India.


  1. Enhancing Infrastructure: TIFAC works to improve the efficiency of essential infrastructure like transportation, energy, housing and communication by continuously contributing to technological advancements.
  2. Adding Value to Exports: It assists fields that are already exporting goods to increase their value and quality. This is done through technological interventions.
  3. Empowering Small-Scale Innovations: It provides support to smaller divisions that rely on high-tech innovations for their future growth.
  4. Global Competitive Edge: It focuses on market-oriented technologies that have a potential for international competitiveness.

TIFAC actively plays a role in each of these categories, aiming for positive effects that drive economic and societal growth in a sustainable manner. Through its initiatives, it is propelling India’s technological progress towards a stronger and more prosperous future.

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